I have not updated this blog in quite some time, but luckily however I make notes as I go along so here are the latest blog entries:-
Monday 9th December
The children had their new teacher start; Mrs Grayson who is lovely, works with them Monday to alternating Wednesday and Ms Kidd who works alternating Wednesday to Friday. I will always be working with Mrs Grayson as this is the day I spend in 1K/G and the other is in 1J.
The children took part in singing practice for the nativity and it was great to see them really enjoying doing the actions along with singing.
I was also helping Mrs Grayson learn the names of the children and I heard a lot of readers in the afternoon. In maths I helped some children with their tally chart work, and in phonics we did a recap of some of the phonic sounds. I also helped with behaviour management in the classroom.
Wednesday 11th December
In 1J on Wednesday the children had the practice dress rehearsal for their nativity and so I helped them get ready into their angel outfits and tied tinsel halos around their heads and tinsel sashes around their waists. The dress rehersal went well and the children looked and sang great!
This took up most of the day with the exception of helping some children with some reading and sentence practice and also I did some tally chart work in Maths with a group of children.
Monday 16th December
1K/G went to watch the dress rehearsal of Y3/4 and this took up all of the morning session. I was then helping to make Christmas cards with the children in the afternoon and I heard a few readers. The children could also choose to do a variety of Christmas activities or play as we were heading towards the Christmas holidays.
Wednesday 18th December
In 1J on Wednesday I helped to support some children to make robots out of materials they had brought in. I also helped some of the lower ability set to write a message in their Christmas cards that they were sending home. In the afternoon I did CVC words with a child and read a story to the children. Finally I also helped Jill the TA with resources for the paper-chains the children were making to decorate the classroom. I helped Jill cut sections of card with the guillotine. The paper chains looked fabulous and made the classroom look bright!
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